Virtual Office: Perks and Benefits of an Office in Office in San Francisco

Office in Office
BlogVirtual Office: Perks and Benefits of an Office in Office in San Francisco

The advancing digitization has changed the workplace as we know it. Gig work, telecommuting, and home office are just some of the aspects that play an increasingly important role. Another concept, not necessarily new but gaining importance, is Office in Office. Office in Office, also known as a virtual office, provides your company with a legitimate address in the desired region- Your company can have an address in the heart of San Francisco without enduring the expensive costs typically required.

Office in Office Enables Cost-Effective Expansion

In a conventional office, financial obligations are very high. You have to pay for everything – the rent, electricity bill, heating, internet, telephone and fax lines, office furniture and supplies. This can easily serve as deterrence if you want to expand and find new business opportunities in the Western United States, but are wary of San Francisco’s and Silicon Valley’s high rents and labor cost?

A virtual office offers a cost-sensitive solution. As part of an Office in Office package, your company receives an address in Silicon Valley and a telephone number with the corresponding area code. 

Virtual Office Allows Customer Service at a High Level

For successfully entering the U.S. market and expanding your business activities, market and customer proximity are crucial. The geographical distance, the deviation in time zones, and the cultural differences between Germany and the U.S. can be challenging. The local time on the West Coast of the U.S. is usually nine hours behind the local time in Central Europe. Consequently, it is impossible to ensure proper availability for your U.S. American customers.

This is where the Office in Office concept comes into play: With a virtual presence on-site, you can be reached by your business partners and customers in the U.S. during regular American business hours and enjoy excellent support from our intercultural team at all times.

Office in Office offers the right solution for businesses located in Germany that want to establish a presence on the West Coast of the U.S.: Trained bilingual employees of the Representative of German Business (GACC West) are available for your customers during local business hours. As the first point of contact, they have an open ear for your customer’s inquiries and immediately forward them to you. 

Office in Office Is Not a Letterbox Company

Establishing and operating a virtual office is legitimate. Nevertheless, Office in Office can easily be confused with the illegal concept of a so-called letterbox company. However, there is a crucial difference between the Office in Office concept and a letterbox company.

While a letterbox company only exists on paper and does not carry out any business activities, you are in fact engaged in legal business activities with your registered branch and the Office in Office service of the GACC West. 

Advantages of Office in Office at a Glance

  • International market presence with a business location on the West Coast of the U.S.
  • Access to a large number of potential business partners in innovative industrial sectors (IT, clean tech, biotechnology), as well as in the media, entertainment, gastronomy, and food sectors, among others.
  • Increased market and customer proximity through an American business address and bridging the nine-hour time difference with comprehensive availability during local business hours.
  • The GACC West is your competent partner in building transatlantic business relationships and supports you with transatlantic expertise.
  • The GACC West has an interculturally skilled team of consultants with many years of experience in market entry consulting.
  • Office in Office offers low fixed costs and easy cost control.

Interested in learning more about the Office in Office service of the GACC West? 

Please fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you!

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