
Innovation & Tech
Looking around at the state of our environment these days, one cannot help but notice the necessity for change. The rate of climate disasters happening around the world is only accelerating and the war in Ukraine is highlighting the necessity to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
The future of AI Technology is unavoidable, and it is already being widely accepted and taken advantage of. It is the most disruptive technology and has the potential to bring intelligence to tasks in diverse fields all around the world.
Prototyping fuer den Mittelstand
How SMEs Can Implement this Lean Startup Method The participants of our 8th InnovationCamp were amazed when they realized in the kick-off meeting that they all face similar innovation challenges, despite different industries and company sizes: How can medium-sized companies remain agile?How can innovations be implemented more quickly and turned into products ?How can a...
In Which Industries Can German Enterprises Score? The U.S. remains an attractive location for German companies looking to expand. Despite the pandemic, there are many industries that continue to grow steadily this year, promising new sales opportunities. In this blog article, we would like to present the most promising economic sectors in which German SMEs...
Lithium-ion-cell production is currently one of the hottest industry topics with numerous new production projects being announced all around the world, but especially also in North America. To showcase this development, ”” and Christoph Lienemann, Managing Director of the consulting and engineering service provider „PEM Motion North America“, is explaining the US battery market and its potential...
This year’s Earth Day theme is: Invest in our planet by acting (boldly), innovating (broadly), and implementing (equitably). It is clear that it will take everyone - from researchers, corporates, startups, to government officials and civil society - if we want to reverse climate change.
Hydrogen has been a buzzword in the energy and climate protection world for years now. Find out the potential of generating hydrogen from renewable sources could help to decarbonize sectors that are hard to electrify, like transportation, chemicals, iron and steel, and heat, specifically the heating of buildings.
Key trends are changing society worldwide - the digitalization in almost all areas of life, climate change or ongoing migration movements, and demographic changes that influence the composition of the population. These developments are changing the life and look of our cities. Municipalities can let this transformation process happen or shape it. Smart City strategies...
Responsible for 24% of global CO2 emissions, the transport and mobility sector is still one of the major contributors to global warming. There is no doubt: Our mobility system needs to become more sustainable to fight climate change. PEM Motion USA, Inc. is supporting the clean mobility transition by bringing together talented consultants, engineers, researchers,...
Key trends are changing society worldwide - the digitalization in almost all areas of life, climate change or ongoing migration movements, and demographic changes that influence the composition of the population. These developments are changing the life and look of our cities. Municipalities can let this transformation process happen or shape it. Smart City strategies...
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