
At our German American Circular Economy Event this June, we listened to experts from both sides of the Atlantic about new trends and developments in the circular economy and sustainability – and what still needs to be done in order to realize a greener future. From promising legislation to innovations in new materials, there’s a...
How German companies can profit from the Valley’s tremendous innovation power right now Since the pandemic, there has been much negative news about Silicon Valley in the German media. The great exodus, mass layoffs, vacant offices and the worsening homeless crisis have been featured in the news. Recently, a headline of one of Germany’s biggest...
It is more apparent than ever before that some form of tech regulation is needed not only to protect citizens but also the sovereignty of countries and the ideals of our democracies. But how can lawmakers regulate emerging technologies they don’t fully understand yet in the digital sphere where jurisdiction borders don’t exist?
The future of AI Technology is unavoidable, and it is already being widely accepted and taken advantage of. It is the most disruptive technology and has the potential to bring intelligence to tasks in diverse fields all around the world.
Prototyping fuer den Mittelstand
How SMEs Can Implement this Lean Startup Method The participants of our 8th InnovationCamp were amazed when they realized in the kick-off meeting that they all face similar innovation challenges, despite different industries and company sizes: How can medium-sized companies remain agile?How can innovations be implemented more quickly and turned into products ?How can a...

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